Welcome to

DL Counselling

Your Space to Speak Freely and Be Heard

Welcome, and thank you for visiting

My name is Donna, and I am a counsellor and psychotherapist in Farnham offering sessions in person or online via a video call. I endeavour to give you a warm, safe, confidential place to be heard and supported.

I work with people of all ages and backgrounds to navigate a range of issues, such as depression, anxiety, anger, low self-esteem, and many others. If you haven’t reached out for counselling before, I know the process can feel quite daunting, but I always take care to adapt the process to you. Together we will learn about what works for you to directly addresses your needs.

To book an initial consultation, or ask any questions you might have about Counselling and psychotherapy or how I work, please get in touch any time.

What is Counselling?

Counselling provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk to a trained professional about your issues and concerns. I will help you explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and of others. As your counsellor, I will not give you advice or prescribe medication. We will work together to help you find your own way forward – whether that’s making effective changes in your life or finding ways of coping with your problems.

A Personalised Approach

Every individual is unique, and no problem is exactly the same. What we talk about will vary and will depend on what you want help with. We may talk about your relationships, your childhood, your feelings, emotions or thoughts, your behaviour, past and present, life events or situations you find difficult. I will be impartial but understanding. Listen to you without judgment and help you explore your thoughts and emotions. I will draw on a range of different therapeutic techniques to support you and empower you to make changes. This could involve solution-based therapy or a deeper exploration into the root causes of issues, looking at past events and how they influence your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in the here and now.

Issues I Can Help With

Some of the issues I have worked with as a counsellor and psychotherapist in Farnham and online include but are not limited to:


Working through depression can be challenging for someone, but I am here to support you every step of the way to explore these difficult emotions and develop ways to move past them over time, replacing automatically negative patterns with more compassionate, realistic thoughts.


Together, and in a way that’s comfortable for you, we will explore what lies behind your anxiety, examining its triggers and noticing how it presents itself to you. I provide support for all kinds of anxiety, such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder, phobias, panic attacks, social anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Neurodivergency (Autism, ADHD)

I have experience in working with people to manage issues relating to neurodivergency. Despite being so prominent, we continue to largely ignore the impact of neurodivergence on thoughts, feelings, and behaviour, and my practice is a chance for people to explore these issues. I also work with parents seeking help for providing the best possible support for neurodivergent children.


I create an environment where we can look at what lies behind your anger. People show anger when they are unable, for some reason, to express what they are truly feeling, such as sadness, fear, anxiety or guilt. We will look at what lies behind your anger, helping you to understand its triggers and how to manage it going forward.

Young People Issues

Young people face so many complex challenges as they move towards adulthood. Adolescence is a particularly difficult time, with so much changing so fast, and I am here to help young people process their lives and problems in a safe, supportive space. This could involve anxiety, low self-esteem, body dysmorphia, gender identity, self-harm, exam stress, amongst others.

Initial Consultation

I understand that taking that first step of reaching out for counselling can feel scary. That is why I always offer you a no-obligation 20-minute chat before committing to sessions. This is your chance to ask any questions, and get a feel for how I work, allowing you to decide if you’d like to move forward with me.

Pricing and Session Length

Initial Consultation – 20 mins Free

Further Sessions – £60 (50 mins)

Walk and Talk Therapy

Alongside sessions which take place in my practice at home, I also offer Walk and Talk Therapy.

Spending time in the natural environment improves mental health. It can reduce stress, fatigue, anxiety and feelings of depression. Meeting, walking and talking in our beautiful parks and open spaces can also boost your immune system and encourage activity.

Counselling can be enriched by adding an outdoor dimension to a session. Please contact me for more information about ‘Walk and Talk’ Therapy

About Me

I have worked in the voluntary sector for over 30 years, specialising in working with young people and making sure they have the support they need. Prior to becoming a counsellor, I worked in the commercial sector and later in schools.

The person-to-person connection is really valuable to me, so I dedicated myself to being a counsellor – someone who could support individuals to feel comfortable and heal. I love this work and will never stop striving to give my clients the best possible experience.


Is Therapy Confidential?

All counselling is confidential subject to the constraints of English law and ethical practise. All counsellors have a legal duty to report anything to do with terrorism or acts of terror, money laundering or drug trafficking offences.

If you were to disclose matters involving a serious or life-threatening risk of harm to yourself or others, as your counsellor I might have to act on it. If something like that came up, I would talk with you about it. Where possible, we would not break confidence without your prior knowledge and, ideally, consent.

How Do I Know If I Need Therapy?

Therapy is suitable for anyone struggling with an issue that weighs them down on them on a regular basis, such as anxiety or low self-esteem. Even if you cannot place your finger on anything in particular and nothing precise is wrong, but you ‌feel you are not yourself, counselling gives you a chance to understand what lies behind this feeling and enjoy greater clarity in your life.

You’ll get the best results from your therapy if you can be open and honest and say how you’re really feeling, which I understand may be hard at first.

Our relationship is very important. Part of my role is to ensure that you feel safe and able to take risks by disclosing and discussing sensitive issues in a confidential space.

How Long Should I Have Therapy For?

This depends on you and what problem(s) you come with, but I always recommend at least six sessions. Anything less doesn’t give us enough time to foster the kind of close therapeutic relationship that would allow us to make genuine progress.

How Do I Pay For Sessions?

You can pay for sessions with cash or bank transfer. Any cancellations or rescheduled appointments must be made at least 48 hours prior to the session, otherwise you will still have to pay for the session in full.

Get in Touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

If you would like to speak to me first please call on 07376 005014 I am contactable by voicemail and text message, please leave your name and number and I will get back to you. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment. Alternatively, my email is email@dlcounselling.co.uk

Further Support

Are you struggling with something? Do you need a place to talk things through? No matter what your problem is, however big or small, I am here to give you a safe, supportive, confidential space to explore what is happening for you.

If you would like to know more about my counselling and psychotherapy please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at any time.